Only a few Steps To your Dream Vacation

Contact us if you have any questions. We are gladly there for you!

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Find out below, without obligation, whether the flats are available on your preferred dates and how much the stay would cost.

Season From To Price
April 2025-04-01 2025-04-30 €90.00
May 2025-05-01 2025-05-31 €90.00
June 2025-06-01 2025-06-30 €100.00
July 2025-07-01 2025-07-31 €130.00
August 2025-08-01 2025-08-31 €130.00
September 2025-09-01 2025-09-30 €100.00
October 2025-10-01 2025-10-31 €90.00